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Welcome to Smooshyville!
During the day the town of Smooshyville is a lot like other towns. Maybe even just like yours. There are people and cars and stores and hustle and bustle, and all the other things you might expect to find in a small town. It’s not boring, but it’s not terribly exciting either… during the day…
Nighttime in Smooshyville is a whole different story. When the town goes to sleep, the animal residents of the local pet shelter sneak out with mischief on their minds. No one knows when or how it started, but these adorable little tricksters have been finding trouble for a while now. (Of course, sometimes trouble finds them.)
Their favorite hangout is a food factory called Smooshy Mushy Industries. (Animals. Unlimited food. Do the math, right? It’s here that some squishy treats fill their tummies, while others have filled their hearts! That’s right. Certain special food items have become Besties with the Smooshies. From donuts to pancakes to french fries, the fabulous, foodilicious friends are always ready to share a smile or an adventure. But maybe most important, they help Smooshies get out of some pretty sticky situations.