Core Series
Series 1

Popsy Piggy
& Punkin Pancake
Messy adventures are fine with this swine!
Can Be Found: Snout and about
Secret Skill: Banking
Personal Quote: Butter late than never!
Hides in: Maple syrup
Bestie: Punkin Pancake

Felina Fawn
& Chessie Chocolate
With more than cupcakes on the brain, she can think her way out of trouble.
Reads: Hoof-done-it mysteries
Sweet Skill: Doe-ting on friends
Personal Quote: I do what I dear!
Hides in: Chocolate milkshakes
Bestie: Chessie Chocolate

Kaley Kitty
& Mooky Milk
This crafty ringleader never takes a-paws.
Looks Forward to: Caturdays
Sweet Skill: Purr-fect planning
Personal Quote: Hear meow-t!
Hides in: Tomato ketchup
Bestie: Mooky Milk

Frankie Frenchy
& Fritzy Frie
A little bit salty, but she’s sweet on an adventure.
Obsession: Bur-grrrrrs
Vacation Activity: The running of the bulldogs
Personal Quote: Don’t wait pup!
Hides in: Tomato ketchup
Bestie: Fritzy Frie

Suki Squirrel
& Nimi Nut
She rarely looks before she leaps or even needs to.
Favorite Ballet: The Nutcracker
Favorite TV Show: Gossip Squirrel
Personal Quote: All my friends are a little nutty!
Hides in: Tomato ketchup
Bestie: Nimi Nut

Lolli Lamb
& Cami Cotton Candy
A little sheepish, but fun for the whole flock!
Enjoys: The baaa-soo
Sweet Skill: Counting
Personal Quote: Wool you be mine?
Hides in: Chocolate milkshakes
Bestie: Cami Cotton Candy

Bitsy Bunny
& Dani Donut
A little clumsy, but this bun is ready for fun!
Favorite Dance: the bunny hop
Always: lands frosting-side up!
Personal Quote: Ear-ly to bed, ear-ly to rise!
Hides in: Chocolate milkshakes
Bestie: Dani Donut

Babsy Bear
& Barley Bacon
This paw-sitive bear can find the funny in any situation.
Biggest Fear: Laughing her tail off
Best at: Bear hugs!
Personal Quote: It’s waff-ly nice to meet you!
Hides in: Maple syrup
Bestie: Barley Bacon
Series 2: Do-Dat-Donuts

Chelly Chicky
& Peggy Eggy
She’s sees everything sunnyside up, just like her bestie!
Doesn’t like: Practical yolks
Favorite Book: Chicky Chicky Boom Boom
Personal Quote: I eggs-pecked the best!
Hides in: Strawberry milk
Bestie: Peggy Eggy

Kaila Koala
& Charla Chocolate Milk
Stubborn, but determined, she eventually gets what she’s after!
Listens to: Eu-calypso
Often Found: Down under
Personal Quote: Be-claws I said so!
Hides in: Strawberry milk
Bestie: Charla Chocolate Milk

Labella Lamb
& Dita Donut
She loves to share everything from adventures to snuggles.
Biggest Fear: running out of fabric softener
Favorite Movie: While You Were Sheeping
Personal Quote: I’m more than just a pretty fleece.
Hides in: Chocolate milk
Bestie: Dita Donut

Marney Monkey
& Cora Cocoa
Calm and collected, she’s prime mate for any scheme.
Often Found in: Barrels
Works out at: The jungle gym
Personal Quote: That’s bananas!
Hides in: Vanilla milk
Bestie: Cora Cocoa

Petula Poodle
& Casey Croissant
A total smarty, she can lick any problem!
Favorite Song: “Don’t Be Crull”
Role Model: Joan of Bark
Personal Quote: That deserves a round of a-paws!
Hides in: Chocolate milk
Bestie: Casey Croissant

Cari Cow
& Mitzi Milk
A bit silly, she’s known for her hay-brained schemes.
Desperately Misses: The dish and the spoon
Aspires to Be: In the moo-vies
Personal Quote: That’s udder-ly ridiculous!
Hides in: Strawberry milk
Bestie: Mitzi Milk

Scout Skunk
& Cilia Cinnamon Bun
She’s a little explorer with classic style.
Dislikes: Stinky cheeses
Listens to: Skunk rock
Personal Quote: Stripes are in. They’re always in.
Hides in: Vanilla milk
Bestie: Cilia Cinnamon Bun

Bayla Bear
& Cala Cake
This party animal is the hostess with the mostest!
Never: Bears her teeth
Favorite Celebrity: Goldilocks
Personal Quote: You can catch more flies with honey!
Hides in: Chocolate milk
Bestie: Cala Cake
Series 2.5: Do-Dat-Donuts

Chelsea Chick
& Sophie Strawberry
Mischief is always in style with this posh pet!
Would Drive a: Coop
Sweet Skill: Winging it
Personal Quote: Birds of a feather are ready for adventure!
Hides in: Cotton candy milk
Bestie: Sophie Strawberry

Lauren Lambie
& Billie Bun
Enjoys adventures with a softer side.
Biggest Fear: Not having the chops
Favorite Celebrity: Mary’s little lamb
Personal Quote: Maybe we should turn baaa-ck.
Hides in: Cotton candy milk
Bestie: Billie Bun

Sammi Skunk
& Choco Mint
Always there when you need her, you can tell by the smell!
Favorite Letters: P & U
Aspires to Be: A zebra
Personal Quote: If you can’t stand the smell, get out of the kitchen!
Hides in: Strawberry milk
Bestie: Choco Mint

Vanessa Vanilla
& Milkwhite
She has refined tastes and a great sense of smell!
Hangs Around: The groomers
Shops at: Pup-up stores
Personal Quote: Don’t poo-poodle it until you’ve tried it!
Hides in: Raspberry milk
Bestie: Milkwhite

Casey Cow
& Sunnyside
Always looking out for everyone else, she’s a real pal!
Biggest Fear: Being a cow-herd
Sweet Skill: Moon jumping
Personal Quote: It’s pasture bedtime.
Hides in: Strawberry milk
Bestie: Sunnyside

Mackenzie Monkey
& Pierre Croissant
Always the artist, each of her adventures has a creative flair.
Fears: Jumping on the bed
Loves: Hanging out
Personal Quote: I see, I do.
Hides in: Raspberry milk
Bestie: Pierre Croissant
Series 3: Creamery

Rose Rabbit
Sara Sundae
This bun-dle of energy loves to bounce, bop, and twirl all around town.
Reads: Hare-raising tales
Obsessed with: Bouncy castles
Personal Quote: Be there in the twitch of a nose!
Hides in: Mint ice cream
Bestie: Sara Sundae

Faye Froggy
& Wendy Wafer
She’s always ready to spring into action.
Personal Quote: Let’s hop to it!
Hides in: Strawberry ice cream
Bestie: Wendy Wafer

Lola Leopard
& Mikki Mochi
Adorable to the core, there’s no stopping this stunner when she sees something she likes.
Personal Quote: I can’t change my spots!
Hides in: Strawberry ice cream
Bestie: Mikki Mochi

Mimi Monkey
& Robyn Rainbow
A natural leader, she brings out the best in everyone.
Personal Quote: Never stop climbing!
Hides in: Mixed-berry ice cream
Bestie: Robyn Rainbow

Peggy Penguin
& Sunny Sundae
She’s chiller than ice cream, but just as sweet.
Secret Skill: Pancake making—she’s a great flipper!
Biggest Fear: flying
Personal Quote: It’s cool!
Hides in: Blueberry ice cream
Bestie: Sunny Sundae

Colby Corgi
& Chilla Vanilla
Like her sister, Casey, she always has a sweet surprise for her friends.
Personal Quote: Five-second drool!
Hides in: Mixed-berry ice cream
Bestie: Chilla Vanilla

Casey Corgi
& Sandy Sandwich
Not to be outdone by Colby, she brings treats with a twist!
Personal Quote: Hey, corgeous!
Hides in: Strawberry ice cream
Bestie: Sandy Sandwich

Suzy Snow Leopard
& Bobbi Bubblegum
She’s hard to spot, but she’s always there when you need her.
Personal Quote: These paws were made for pouncin’!
Hides in: Blueberry ice cream
Bestie: Bobbi Bubblegum
Series 4: Cup’n Cakes

Peyton Pony
& Cherry Yummins
Like her cousin, Molly, she wants to be your bud, but she’s a little shy.
Personal Quote: Want to go for a gal-pal-op?
Hides in: purple cup
Bestie: Cherry Yummins

Marla Mouse
& Pita Petit
This little schemer plans down to the very last detail.
Personal Quote: Mice think twice!
Hides in: purple cup
Bestie: Pita Petit

Tillie Tiger
& Petunia Puff
Variety is the spice of life, so she never does the same thing twice!
Personal Quote: I’d rather roar than be a bore.
Hides in: pastel pink cup
Bestie: Petunia Puff

Patsy Pug
& Cadence Creampuff
Whoops, this clumsy pup will always be there to help you clean up.
Personal Quote: Snug as a pug on a rug!
Hides in: blue cup
Bestie: Cadence Creampuff

Sailor Squeaks
& Rosie Raspberry Pie
Very determined, this mouse will brave anything to help her friends!
Personal Quote: Anchors a-weigh a lot more than me!
Hides in: pink cup
Bestie: Rosie Raspberry Pie

Tabby Tiger
& Fauna Fondant
She’s a bit of a purr-fectionist, but always forgives her friends’ er-roars.
Personal Quote: I make mistakes every meow and then.
Hides in: blue cup
Bestie: Fauna Fondant

Aubrey Owl
& Bethy Blueberry Pie
This smart bird is owl-ways there for her friends.
Personal Quote: This’ll be a hoot!
Hides in: purple cup
Bestie: Bethy Blueberry Pie

Molly Mare
& Sara Sprinklepop
Maybe the friendliest of the bunch, she’s everyone’s biggest fan.
Personal Quote: Hi, there, neigh-bor!
Hides in: pink cup
Bestie: Sara Sprinklepop
Series 5: Sugar Fix

Selina Seal
& Casey Cornball
With a splashy personality, she’s always ready to play.
Favorite Song: “Signed, Sealed, Delivered”
Personal Quote: We arf the champions!
Hides in: Gumball machine
Bestie: Casey Cornball

Hayley Hedgehog
& Libbie Lolli
She faces problems head-on and never hides from anything.
Personal Quote: Someone named a comet after me!
Hides in: Gumball machine
Bestie: Libbie Lolli

Gillian Giraffe
& Porter Pops
She’s fit as a fiddle and ready for fun!
Personal Quote: I’m so pumped, I could eat a tree stump!
Hides in: Gumball machine
Bestie: Porter Pops

Belinda Bat
& Dottie Delish
Stylish and sweet, she’s a queen of the night!
Personal Quote: Is there an echo in here?
Hides in: Gumball machine
Bestie: Dottie Delish

Olivia Octopus
& Taytom Taffy
This little joker loves to give hugs.
Personal Quote: You octopi my heart!
Hides in: Gumball machine
Bestie: Taytom Taffy

Felina Fawn
& Gracie Gum
This deer friend is another core Smooshy with a sweet tooth.
Personal Quote: Hoof said you can’t have your cake and eat it, too?
Hides in: Gumball machine
Bestie: Gracie Gum

Uma Unicorn
& Flossy Fluff
A stylish smarty, she always gets straight to the point.
Personal Quote: Lookin’ sharp!
Hides in: Gumball machine
Bestie: Flossy Fluff

Bitsy Bunny
& Tiffy Taffy
A core Smooshy, she just keeps bouncing back with more sweets to share!
Personal Quote: Every day is Bunday Funday!
Hides in: Gumball machine
Bestie: Tiffy Taffy
Series 6: Mystery Munchies

Fussy’s Sunnyside Special

Suki’s Taco Fiesta

Udelle’s Yummilicious Cake

Babsy’s Chicken ‘n’ Waffle Breakfast

Kaley’s Smores Surprise

Lolli’s PB&J Packed Lunch

Felina’s Scrumptions Shortcake
Series 7: Ultra Metalix
Frozen Delights
Series 1: Frozen Delights

Cassandra Panda
& Briella Blueberry
A nice, long nap with a dollop of cuddles is this cutie’s favorite treat.
Personal Quote: Sweet dreams!
Hides in: Blueberry Smoothies
Bestie: Briella Blueberry

Halle Hamster
& Marni Mango
She’s busy, busy, but always has time for her friends.
Personal Quote: I can’t help hamming it up!
Hides in: Mango Lassis
Bestie: Marni Mango

Kassity Kitty
& Mallery Strawberry
This feline refuses to stay in line.
Personal Quote: I’ll tail you about it later!
Hides in: Strawberry Smoothies
Bestie: Mallery Strawberry

Udelle Unicorn
& DeLana Banana
Is she too corn-y? Nope, she’s just sweet to the uni-core.
Personal Quote: You’re my one and only!
Hides in: Banana Split Smoothies
Bestie: DeLana Banana
Series 2: Yolo Froyo

Harmony Hammie
& Calista Creamsicle
She never runs out of jokes, but she might run out of good ones!
Personal Quote: Orange you glad to see me?
Hides in: Orange Creamsicles
Bestie: Calista Creamsicle

Kitty Smitty
& Selena Strawberry
This kitty doesn’t litter. She has a heart of gold.
Personal Quote: It never helps to throw a hissy.
Hides in: Chocolate Strawberry Smoothies
Bestie: Selena Strawberry

Padma Panda
& Cherry Chica
She’s roly and poly with a great big imagination!
Favorite Element: Panda-monium
Personal Quote: Reach for the stars!
Hides in: Cherry Froyo
Bestie: Cherry Chica

Yolanda Unicorn
& Candi Cotton
She likes to razzle-dazzle everyone with big adventures!
Personal Quote: Let’s make something unique!
Hides in: Cotton Candy Froyo
Bestie: Candi Cotton
Series 3: Unicorn Shakes

Holly Husky
& Darla Dunkz
Always in a hurry, do-nut call this pup late for dessert!
Personal Quote: What’s shakin’?
Hides in: cookies ’n cream milkshakes
Bestie: Darla Dunkz

Libby Llama
& Candi Cottoncorn
Laugh all you want, this llama is a serious kidder.
Personal Quote: Alpaca my bags!
Hides in: Donut Sprinkles Shakes
Bestie: Candi Cottoncorn

Nixie Narwhal
& Sheila Shake
Don’t be fooled by the blue, she’s always happy to see a friend!
Personal Quote: Have I got a whale of a tale to tell you!
Hides in: Cotton Candy Froyo
Bestie: Sheila Shake

Selma Sloth
& Marsha Mallow
She’s a quick thinker, if not so fast on her feet.
Personal Quote: Let’s hang!
Hides in: Cotton Candy Milkshakes
Bestie: Marsha Mallow
Series 4: Creamy Dreamy

Ava Arctic Fox
& Starla Strawberry Creme

Baily Beluga
& Rosie Rainbow-Whip

Bernese Bernadette
& Mindy Mint-Whip

Cassandra Panda
& Sherry Cherry Creme

Gayla Goat
& Bethy Berrywhip

Portia Polar Bear
& Milli Mint Chip

Ronni Rainbowcorn
& Carissa Unicorn Creme

Willow Walrus
& Bianca Berrycream
Air Besties

Aniston Applering

Bobbi Bubbles

Cassie Crunch

Lana Licorice

Lexi Lolli

Lola Lolli

Mallory Mallow

Mary Mallow

Pia Peachring

Rae Rainbow

Ryan Rock Candy

Sophia Sweetheart

Tina Taffy
Baby Besties

Baa Baa Bottle

Carlie Carrot

Catty Patty

Chippy Sippy

Corny Cakes

Cuppy Puppy

Honey Beary Buns

Lily Paddy Poo

Maizy Milk

Peary Beary

Piggy Packsack

Pinky Puff Fluff

Pippa Poopicorn
Series 1

Bakies: Bella Blueberry Macaron

Bakies: Fifi Frosted Toast

Bakies: Rozy Raspberry Donut

Bakies: Suki Strawberry Cake

Munchies: Drina Drumstick

Munchies: Joli Jelly Toast

Munchies: Olla Orange

Munchies: Samira Smore

Munchies: Shaya Sushi

Sweeties: Chiya Cherry Popsicle

Sweeties: Kandy Candy Apple

Sweeties: Shyla Sugar Cube

Sweeties: Winnie Whip Cream
Series 2

Bakies: Cocoa Muggins

Bakies: Flo Fudgepop

Bakies: Piper Peanut

Bakies: Sabina Sweet

Munchies: Charlie Churro

Munchies: Emily Frostingcake

Munchies: Francois Frenchum

Munchies: Penelope Pastry

Sweeties: Blinky Berry

Sweeties: Bradley Bar

Sweeties: Caramel Crunchbite

Munchies: Ramona Redpepper

Sweeties: Toasty Jamjar
Series 3

Snackies: Casey Corndog

Snackies: Fortuna Cookie

Snackies: Nikki Nugget

Snackies: Rachel Ricetreat

Sweeties: Barry Berrymallow

Sweeties: Mina Melon

Sweeties: Penelope Pineapple

Sweeties: Vee Nilla Creme

Munchies: Coco Creme

Munchies: Malory Fudgepop

Munchies: P.B. Jamison

Munchies: Poppy Kernels

Munchies: Teddy Taco
Series 4

Snackies: Bibbi Rito

Snackies: Peta Pop

Snackies: Sydney Sriracha

Snackies: Teddi Spaghetti

Sweeties: Dippy Nana

Sweeties: Hazle Spread

Sweeties: Jully Gel

Sweeties: Millie Milk

Munchies: Macarena Cheese

Munchies: Stella Stacks

Munchies: Tasha Take-Out

Munchies: Yolanda Yogurt

Munchies: Tanya Taiyaki
Series 5

Tatum Taffy

Chloe Cotton Candy

Tanner Twizzlestix

Petunia Pop

Landon Lolli

Summer Berrycrunch

Pia Peachring

Trina Truffle

Cammie Crunch

Gabi Gumball

Aniston Applering

Ryan Rock Candy

Bobbi Bubbles
Series 6 – Sticky Snacks

Buttons Burger

Charlee Cherry Pie

Corrina Cake

Dolce Donut

Fara Frie

Florence Flapjack

Noko Cocoa

Sammy Smores

Sarina Soft Serve

Sussana Sorbet

Shaynie Sushi

Tappy Taco
Series 1

Gabby Gooey Raccoon
with Pepper-O-Nee & Raina Raspberry Macaron

Yummy Peppy Pup
with Penelope Pickle & Cailie Cake

Sassy Fussy Fox
with Marlow Avacado & Chelsie Churro
Series 2

Charlie Cheesy Raccoon
with Bridget Bacon & Selina Sundae

Harper Hippo
with Wanda Waffle & Emma Eggie

Fiona Fox
with Teddy Taco & Carmen Cotton Candy

Libby Labby
with Freddie Fries & Heather Heartsicle

Riley Red Panda
with Dottie Dumpling & Reena Rice Bowl
Series 3

Heidi Hen
with Jazmine Juice & Harley Hashbrown

Benjamin Bulldog
with Felix Fishstick & Princess Penelopea

Lolli Lamb
with Rita Riceball & Sheila Sushi
Series 4

Bobbi Bobas & Baba Bubbles

Shayla Sprinkles & Shailey Shake

Una Noodles & Sienna Soysauce
Series 1

Binki Baby
& Fitzy Frog

Boo Boo Bunny
& Cutesy Cottontail

Cuddly Cub
& Bearymoore

Fluffy Frou Frou
& Skunky-Boo

Missy Mane
& Sugarhooves

Sweet Peep
& Lil’ Lambie
Series 2

Denny Doodle
& Pinky Puff

Franki Flappy
& Fifi Flopsy

Mallory Chunky-Monkey
& Tillie Tails

Mimi Moolawn
& Moo Moo Macie

Peggy Piggie
& Curly Sue

Pupper Patty
& Polly Pawpaw

Sienna Sparky
& Roxie Foxie

Wendy Waddles
& Lucky Clucky
Series 1

Babsy Bear’s Study Break

Bitsy Bunny’s Bake Off

Kaley Kitty’s Slumber Set

Lolli Lamb’s Shopping Spree

Patsy Pug’s Gamer Gear

Fussy Fox’s Fast Food
Smashy Mashy
Series 1

Laid-Back Llama + Crispz

Mystic Cat + Sanger

Sassquats + Fizz

Sneakz The Alien + Cheezer

Unipug + T-Bone

T-Rocks + Burgler
Series 2

Greasy Gorilla + Bad Benny

Loony Laika + Ace

Punky Monksy +DJ Dripz

Luchador Mouse + Chedda Champ

SharkAttack_64 + Shocky